What Do I bring to the Hospital??

What do I need to prepare for Postpartum?

For Labor, use your five senses to pack your bag:

  1. What do you want to see? Photos, who do you want to see? (or not see?) Battery operated candles, dim lights in the hospital room.

  2. What do you want to hear? Musics? Make a playlist or two, speaker, headphones, meditations, mantras

  3. What do you want to taste? Snacks! Salty, sweet, something to suck on (honey sticks, lollipops). At home, if you go into labor, please eat! Bonus if meal has protein. Plan to eat up until you have an epidural. Partners need to eat too! Mints, gum, and something yummy for after baby arrives is nice.

  4. What do you want to smell? Essential oils (peppermint, citrus, lavender, etc). Good breath. Maybe what don’t you want to smell? Food from the cafeteria?? It’s not personal, partners, if she asks you to eat your calzone or drink your coffee in the hall.

  5. What do you want to feel? Cozy socks, cardigan sweater, sports bra, nursing bra, your favorite pillow, a comfy blanket?

Whatever brings your calm will increase your oxytocin and help mama feel safe. When she feels safe, she relaxes and when she is relaxed, her cervix opens and the length of labor is affected. Baby will come sooner!

Don’t forget: to bring your questions, your voice (this is YOUR birth, be empowered). the baby’s car seat, clothes for mama and baby for after birth. Some mamas like a robe and slippers And then of course: your charger, chapstick, eye mask, toiletries, medications and of course your sense of humor.

Helpful tips for partners: maybe an eye-mask too, pillow, snacks

After-birth nice-to-haves: period-proof underwear (instead of mesh ones provided by hospital) Frida mom peri bottle (hospital will provide one also of less quality), Earth mama nipple butter. Notebook to take notes, write down details of birth or breastfeeding questions.

What is helpful to have for Postpartum?

Thanks to Liz Farnsworth for this comprehensive list:

  • Frida mom perineal cooling pad liners- like the tucks pads except they fit the whole length of your diaper pad

  • Frida mom perineal healing foam 10/10

  • Earth mama perineal herbal spray

  • Frida mom ice pack pads

  • Lola maxi pads (favorite)

  • Period proof underwear- Amazon for $20

  • Nipple disks- they catch the let down of your milk when it comes in so you don’t get soaking wet and it helps you build a supply in the freezer without having to pump.