OMazing Lactation Counseling

Do I Need Lactation Services?

When you feed your baby does it hurt? Do you dread feeding because of pain or fear? Does your baby seem dissatisfied? Are you are concerned about your milk supply? Are you worried about your baby’s well being? Would you like company to reassure you that everything is going OK?

OMazing Lactation Details

  • I come to your house and give you experienced and evidence based support. I’ll spend up to an hour watching you and feed and make recommendations on nursing techniques. If the matter is complex, I will refer out to a IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Counselor).

  • $60/hours payable by venmo @OMazingMomma.

  • I do not. However, if you’d like to see a lactation counselor cover by your insurance, likely the hospital near by has a clinic and see OMazing resources for other suggestions.